Sarah Savage

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Natural Cannabis Co’s High Art contest is in it’s 7th year, this time with a theme of Magic! And cannabis of course.

Well magic is right up my alley, and I really enjoyed getting this image together. My entry is called Abuela! I painted her using liquid acrylics on illustration board.


The contest is decided by a panel of judges, but there is a voting option for crowd favourite if you’d like to participate. Winners will be chosen on 4/20 so fingers crossed! You can also find submissions from Isaac, Martin, and the debut of Oneida Knight! Despite some 18+ issues that we’re still working on... :)

When I’m working on a painting I like to take progress shots along the way - not only does this help me to discern where I’ve come from but also where I’m going. And as a bonus its fun to see them all together at the end!
Check it out:

From sketch to completion.

Thanks for looking, and I’ll keep y’all posted on the results as they come in!