I love collage… this is the back of the folder I keep tracings in… proably 10 years old now!
Datsun Bomber Jacket
Finished up this collab with Dave a while ago, here are some pics! I love how this turned out, learned a lot from this first large scale embroidery piece. Excited to take it into the next! 😘
Pretty sure I got this jacket back around 2001/2002? I was really into the design of Datsun’s back then so imagine my delight to find this baby still with the tag on…
Here is the original illustration from Dave Knight !!!
New frame who dis
One of 3 illustrations made with rice paper, marker, acyrilic 🥰
Wow such cool stuff from Rebecca!! Reb80 on insta 😎🆒
more vector cause I can’t help it…..
And finished up Sasha’s thigh toooooooo
I made a cute thing!
Made a black rabbit tank 🤘🤘
It’s T-shirt Tiiiiiiiiime! Yesss, get your preorder on shirts or PRESALE ONLY zip-hooded sweaters and be entered to win an hour of tattoo time 😮😮😮😮😮 Share on your social to be entered twice!
Click for more details buddyyyyy
Something NEW coming soon!
Starting a collab with Mr. Dave Knight! This is going to be a back patch on a very special jacket I’ve been saving for the right time… stay tuned!
WIP Collab
Starting to come together…! My collab hannya back patch with Dave Knight!
New Project!
Starting a new fun collab with Dave! Stay tuned….
Shirts are here!
Big thanks to Showdown for these awesome treats! Shirts are in and these extras have me like 😍💕😍
New Print!
I got a new laptop! First attempt at a new digi image - started as a sketch on paper, working in GIMP with just a touch screen to finger paint it LOL 😜✌✨
Having lots of fun so I’ll make a print out of it!
FRESH shirts!
FRESH Design in the works
Haven’t worked in illustrator in a long time! New shirt coming soon