My little bro Mike started his sleeve! Suuuuper fun idea, can’t wait to finish it up 😍😍
FRESH Nature coverup
making progress on Ani’s arm! this is her second full sleeve cover up- what a champ ✌
Finished up Derrick’s sleeve! This guy here has been getting tattooed by me since the very beginning so this sleeve represents several different periods in my work… tied the top and bottom together with some fun olive and yellow gears. Click the link below to see more angles of his arm.
FRESH Dragonball Z 🍙🍚
KELLY!!! He’s on his second DBZ sleeve, so basically we are BFFs
FRESH Crabby and Flowers🌸🏵
Fresh Flowers
Stormy is one of my favourites, finished shading up her sleeve!
Sleeve Drawings
Sometimes it takes years to finish sleeves... and I want to be able to show them off! So in the mean time while our friends put the time in to get these babies wrapped up, here's some drawings of what we've been working on!